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Register your Land for Koala Conservation

Are you a landholder in the Campbelltown and Appin/Wilton areas? Looking to give back to the environment and help save one of our most iconic species? You may be eligible for funding to assist in restoration activities for increasing, connecting and enhancing koala habitat across Southwest Sydney.

Southwest Sydney is home to 250-500 koalas. The population is considered to be healthy and uniquely free from chlamydia. The NSW Koala strategy aims to stabilise and increase Koala numbers. Conservation actions will be encouraged in Campbelltown and Appin/Wilton areas to help conserve the species. Greater Sydney Landcare is working in partnership with the NSW Koala strategy to implement actions identified as a priority.

On-ground restoration activities available for funding include:

  • Tree planting (including site preparation)
  • Weed control/Bush regeneration
  • Fencing
  • Purchase of seedlings
  • Cultural/ecological burning

This project provides a unique opportunity for landholders to manage their property for the benefit of koalas, other wildlife, and the broader ecosystem.

Expression of Interest

Below is an Expression of Interest form for landholders to register their property for koala restoration works.

Eligibility will be considered from a range of criteria, including:

  • Presence of koala habitat on your property and/or
  • Linkages to existing koala habitat adjacent to your property
  • Landholder’s demonstrated commitment to conservation and natural resource management
  • Landholder’s ability and willingness to maintain and monitor project sites

If this sounds like a project you’re interested in, we invite you to complete the form  to receive funding for restoration works on your property as part of the Southwest Sydney Koala Program, or contact our Koala Officer, Xuela Sledge:
Click Here to Fill Out Expression of Interest Form
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