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Resources for Groups

Here are some links to resources that we think are valuable for those working in natural areas.

If you have developed some resources that you think will be useful, let us know and we will link to them here, on our homepage and/or in our newsletter to members and supporters.

Engaging 20 somethings in Landcare

Engaging 20 somethings in Landcare (PDF)  Learn how to understand and engage Gen Y in your ‘care group

Greater Sydney Local Land Services

Greater Sydney Local Land Services  They help land managers and local communities maintain healthy landscapes. Their website has many resources for landcare groups including:

  • Bushcare Boosters – A program  that aims to assist bushcare coordinators to help volunteers value and understand their Bushcare work as part of the big picture of biodiversity restoration across Australia.
  • Starting a Landcare Group – A guide that lays out what land your group can work on, an introduction to group admin and how to access tools, training and support.

If Not then What

If Not then What (PDF) Some well researched and innovative ideas. A free Les Robinson publication on how to revitalize your Landcare or Bushcare group

In Safe Hands Tool Kit

In Safe Hands Tool Kit Make sure your volunteers are always safe! This Toolkit provides resources for community groups to ensure their ‘duty of care’ is met.

Landcare Australia Social Media Toolkit

Landcare Australia Social Media Toolkit (PDF) Get the most out of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  Includes information on how to engage followers, create content, and interact with other social media users.

Landcare in your School

Landcare in your School (PDF) This guide provides case studies and other useful information for starting a Landcare group or activity in your high school.

Landcare Toolbox

Landcare Toolbox Landcare NSW has produced a number of resources, funded by the State Government Landcare Support Program, including Governance Checklists, Factsheets, Landcare Policy Templates and Insurance Information.

Australian Association of Bush Regenerators Manuals

Bush Regeneration Manuals View the manuals of the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators.

New Landcare Group Starter Kit

New Landcare Group Starter Kit (PDF) Landcare Australia Ltd has produced a helpful booklet telling everything you need to know about starting a new Landcare group.

Decades of Healing: Wasteland to Wetland

This is the inspiring story of how the Popes Glen Bushcare Group, supported by their local Council and grants from the Environmental Trust of NSW, turned a highly degraded peri-urban creek, silt flat and willow forest into a wetland filled with native vegetation, birds and frogs – a thriving Blue Mountains Swamp.

With over 100 pages of informative descriptions and photographs “Decades of Healing” details how commitment, patience and adaptive management were used to tackle a seemingly impossible challenge and bring about environmental change.

The project is a great demonstration of the influence that community champions and volunteers can have on effecting positive environmental change… this project continues to exceed expectations…”

Project Reviewer for the Environmental Trust of New South Wales.

Read the book here thanks to the National Library of Australia.

Or listen to an interview with author Alan Lane here

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