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The following are links to valuable resources related to the Flora and Fauna of Greater Sydney.

Do you have resources that you think would be suitable for this page? Please contact us and we will promote them wherever possible.

Flora Resources

Online Resources

Biodiversity of the Sydney Region – Plant Communities – Department of Planning, Infrastructure and the Environment.

Bringing the Bush Back to Western Sydney  (Best practice guidelines for bush regeneration on the Cumberland Plain) 2003 (Department of Infrastructure, Planning & Natural Resources; Australian Association of Bush Regeneration).

Common Riverbank Weeds of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River and tributaries  (A practical management guide) 2014 (Greater Sydney Local Land Services).

eFlora  Vascular Plants of the Sydney Region – an interactive dichotomous key.

The Native Vegetation of the Sydney Metropolitan Area  (Volume 2 – Vegetation Community Profiles) Version 2, October 2013 (Sydney Metro Catchment Management Authority & Office of Environment and Heritage).

PlantNET An electronic version of the Flora of NSW, published by the Royal Botanical Gardens in Sydney (UNSW Press).

Hammill, Kate & Tasker, Liz (2010) Vegetation, Fire and Climate Change in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area . Department of Environment, Climate Change & Water.

Books to Help with Identification

Fairley, Alan & Moore, Philip (2003) Native Plants of the Sydney Region. Allen and Unwin, Australia.

Fairley, Alan (2004) Seldom Seen; Rare Plants of Greater Sydney. New Holland Publishers.

Pellow, B. 2009. Flora of the Sydney Region. Sydney University Press.

Robinson, Les (2003) Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney. Simon and Schuster, Sydney (Australia).

Resources From Our Members


Habitat Network – a network of Sydney city people working towards, particularly, connecting small bird habitat. Find out more about the Habitat Network, who also have a community nursery in Ryde, by browsing

Resources available from the Habitat Network include:

An introduction to creating small bird habitat

Creating a small bird habitat haven

Habitat in your garden in a bush fire prone area

Native habitat plants for your garden in Sydney

For rural areas – Improving linear corridors


Mountain Goat Bushcare Group (Sydney Rockclimbers) have developed an APP for Bushcare and Landcare Groups on Environmental Weeds of the Sydney Region

The Group says “we hope to eventually create an online database for people to submit / share weed data and allow people to personalise the weed list in the app for their own particular area”. Download the app from the iTunes store Environmental Weeds of the Sydney Region .

Screenshot of Weed App

Fauna Resources

Online Resources

Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)  – report a sighting or search the database.

BioNet – a repository for biodiversity data managed by the Department of Planning, Infrastructure and the Environment.

BioNet Atlas – previously the Wildlife Atlas – allows a search for mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and fish (and plants).

Smith & Smith. Native Fauna of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area  (Version 3) 2017 (Federal Australian Government – Heritage and Icons Grants Program).

Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region (Vol 2) 2007 (Sydney Catchment Authority and Department of Environment and Climate Change).

Threatened biodiversity profile search  – Office of Environment & Heritage (fauna and flora).

Wildlife of Sydney  – The Australian Museum.

Wildlife in Sydney  – NSW Department of Planning, Infrustructure and Environment.

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