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Hawkesbury-Nepean Landcare Network aims to grow, develop and influence the community and landscape. It hopes to grow and empower community action in landcaring including conservation on properties & reserves, small scale agriculture & school projects.

Our vision is to transform the Parramatta River and its tributaries into living waterways, so we can all benefit from what they have to offer.

CEN is an independent community group that works FOR Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) and AGAINST threats to it.

CEN has been operating for 25 years and runs many programs such as NSW Land for Wildlife, Waterwatch, Habitat for Wildlife, Landcare, wetlands, a bush regeneration team and Wildplant native nursery alongside its advocacy work.

CHEN was formed in 2016 and CHEN looks after the Cattai Creek and Little Cattai Creek Catchment Area in the Hills Shire.

CHEN supports citizen science projects aimed at helping the platypus and koala and advocates for Eucalyptus cattai. CHEN is also involved with Ecokidz and Land for Wildlife programs.

Wild Seed connects environmentally conscious people to individual Landcare Groups who share a passionate and authentic vision to help restore, protect and increase biodiversity within the South Cumberland Plain.

OceanWatch Australia is a national not-for-profit environmental company that works to advance sustainability in the Australian seafood industry.

Key activities involve:

  • enhancing fish habitats and improving water quality in estuaries and coastal environments;
  • working with industry and local communities to minimise environmental impacts;
  • introducing industry and communities to sustainable technologies and behaviours.

The Cooks River Alliance is a partnership between councils in the Cooks River Catchment –Bayside, Canterbury-Bankstown, Inner West, Strathfield and Sydney Water.

Since 1997, councils and others along the river and across the catchment have worked together to improve the health of the Cooks River.

Georges Riverkeeper’s role is to work with our eight Member Councils and Financial Partner to look after the Georges River by undertaking activities within five main Programs to guide best practice management to protect natural resources and improve liveability along the Georges River.

Mulgoa Valley Landcare group has been restoring the corridor along Mulgoa Creek for almost 30 years. A small group of dedicated volunteers meets on the last Saturday of each month to control weeds and improve the health of our critically endangered vegetation communities on both private and public land.

The Mulgoa Valley protects an amazing diversity of native flora and fauna and is one of the most significant areas of biodiversity remaining on the Cumberland Plain. Recent sightings of platypus in Mulgoa Creek is all the inspiration that we need to continue our important work. More volunteers are always needed!

Email Lisa Harrold to get involved:

Landcare NSW is the peak representative body for the community Landcare movement in NSW.

With Landcarers across NSW, Landcare NSW acts as the conduit between local Landcare communities and key decision makers, working to ensure that our Landcarers are supported at every level by providing leadership, skills, resources and representation.

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