The following are resource aimed at schools and children. We also encourage dedicated teachers to get in contact with their local Enviromental Education Centre (EEC) or GSL Local Landcare Coordinator, Jessica Lumbroso, to find out what activities your school can get involved with in your area.
Resources for Schools
We would like to enable teachers and other educators who would like teach schoolchildren about the natural environment.
Greater Sydney EECs, Sustainability Centres and local Councils
Environmental Education Centres are located across Greater Sydney supporting Department of Education and Communities schools. They provide various programs to visiting school groups depending on the unique features of their location.
Sustainability Centres across Sydney provide residents with the opportunity to learn about sustainable living & the environment.
Local Councils often have environmental education officers who can provide your school resources and are aware of activities in your area and local environmental community groups. Get in contact with your local council for more information.
10 Ways Schools can become “Landcare” Schools
10 Ways Schools can become “Landcare” Schools – All schools have access to nature to embed an ethic of care for the environment into their schools’ life. A “Landcare” school is one that treads gently and values the biodiversity and natural capital within and surrounding the school environs. Is your school a “Landcare” school? The following 10 Ways are a guide only to help your school determine if they are a “Landcare” School.
24 Carrot Gardens
24 Carrot Gardens Project establishes the gold standard of school kitchen gardens partnered with fun, learning activities in the creative arts, culinary arts, science and sustainability. They are proudly aligned with the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation program and currently have twelve schools participating, plus a sister after-school garden in the New Orleans neighbourhood of St. Roch.
Birds in Schools
Birds in Schools – A Birdlife Australia program that engages students in the scientific process through investigating and monitoring the birds and habitat of their school grounds with the ultimate aim of developing and implementing an action plan related to improving its biodiversity.
Backyard Explorer
Backyard Explorer – In this ecological study, students will find out what native animals and habitats are found in their schoolyard, and make a digital story about them. Developed by the Queensland Government and suitable for years 6-9.
Bush Trackers
Bush Trackers – Explore the bush with guides for kids by kids. Bush Trackers is a Blue Mountains environmental education initiative designed to connect children and their families with ‘the bush’ and to promote the natural spaces within our local communities as ‘child-friendly’ places.
Campbelltown Council Environmental Education Plan for Your School
Campbelltown Council Environmental Education Plan for Your School – Lists all of the workshops, events and programs that Campbelltown Council offers throughout the year to schools and how these can be incorporated into the NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum for stages 1, 2 and 3.
Disappearing Habitats
Disappearing Habitats – Habitat loss game designed to improve student understanding of clearing, the necessity of habitat, the impact of feral animals and the problem with irresponsible pet ownership.
Feral Focus
Feral Focus – Understanding pest animal management in Australia. Provides motivated teachers with a complete and up to date resource which addresses the complexities of effective pest animal management. Due to the serious, and at times sensitive, nature of pest animal management this resource has been developed for high school students specifically years 8, 9 and 10.
Junior Landcare Resources
Junior Landcare would like to make things easy for you to co-ordinate your landcare group. After all, the important part is the outcome: engaging your school or youth group in landcare, sustainability and environmental education. Their resources include Curriculum Resources and Junior Landcare Youtube Channel. Also, keep an eye on their Junior Landcare Grants page for funding opportunities.
Kids Giving Back
Kids Giving Back provides hands-on, age appropriate, meaningful volunteering opportunities for young people ages 6 – 18. Their mission is to create the Next Generation of Generosity, their vision is to create a better more accepting society, based on empathy and understanding, one child at a time. They are a non-denominational organisation and work with schools across Greater Sydney. They have provided volunteering opportunities for over 8,000 young people and made and delivered more than 30,000 meals for homeless communities.
Nature Play – 51 Things to do Before You’re 12
Nature Play is unstructured outdoor play that helps children develop into resilient, healthy, and creative members of the community. More Nature Play lists can be found through the Nature Play Australia website.
Pest Tales
Pest Tales provides primary teachers with a complete and up to date resource which highlights pest animal species in Australia, their impact and current ways of managing the damage they inflict on the environment, economy and people.
PLAY, LEARN AND HAVE FUN ! Environmental Games and Activities for Rangers and Schools
PLAY, LEARN AND HAVE FUN ! Environmental Games and Activities for Rangers and Schools This is a collection of dozens of tried and tested games with an environmental theme. Most of the games included can be played anywhere. You will just need to keep in mind the age and maturity of the group and adjust accordingly. All the games can be fun for any type of group, as long as they are presented appropriately.
PRIMEZONE This website is an initiative of the Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia. Primezone provides teachers with single-point access to a range of primary industries education resources.
SCOOTLE – National Repository of Learning Resources
SCOOTLE Education Services Australia
Soils in Schools
Soils in Schools The Soils in Schools program started in 2015, the UN declared International Year of Soils. It is an initiative of Soil Science Australia.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation Sow the seed of pleasurable food education at your school or centre and reap the benefits of growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing, fresh, seasonal delicious food.
Take 3 Environmental Education Programs
Take 3 Environmental Education Programs delivers education to inspire action. They have programs for primary and secondary schools, early childhood learning, and Surf Life Saving Clubs, that include learning about litter prevention and waste reduction, story telling to inspire solutions, and increasing participation in beach clean ups.
Teacher’s Resource Guide Landcare in Your School
Teacher’s Resource Guide Landcare in Your School Comprehensive guide for teachers who want to set up a landcare group at their school.
Teacher’s Resource Guide Landcare in Your School: Western Sydney Edition
Teacher’s Resource Guide Landcare in Your School: Western Sydney Edition Version of Teacher’s Rescource Guide adapted to have a focus on Western Sydney and woodland and forests of the Cumberland Plain.
Western Sydney Schools Tree Day Teachers Notes, Activities and Resources
Western Sydney Schools Tree Day Teachers Notes, Activities and Resources A lesson plan on the original vegetation of Western Sydney, the woodlands and forests of the Cumberland Plain.