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Local Landcare Coordinators

Purpose and Objectives of a Local Landcare Coordinator

The core role of the Local Coordinator is that of a coordinator and enabler of community Landcare and Landcare organisations.

The Local Coordinator is charged with empowering Landcare to achieve their own goals in alignment with those of the Program. The Local Coordinator will assist their Landcare networks and groups to directly interact with Landcare and agencies at the local district and network scale. They will focus on supporting Landcare organisations to enable participation in Landcare by individuals and sub-groups. Their outcomes will be measured directly against key accountabilities.

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Local Coordinators work with their specific host organisations and the other Landcare groups / organisations across their regions to increase the capacity of these groups to deliver against the outcomes of the Program.

Local Coordinators collaborate with a range of Landcare support mechanisms including other Local Coordinators, Regional Coordinators, Landcare Committees and Local Land Services. The Local Coordinator is not a Project Officer, solely responsible for the delivery of other grant funded projects. However, should be a resource for Landcare to effectively partner, attract project funding and to empower successful delivery.

This initiative is made possible by the NSW Landcare Enabling Program, a collaboration between Local Land Services and Landcare NSW supported by the NSW Government.

Vanessa Gimellaro

Local Landcare Coordinator - Macarthur

Focus: The Campbelltown, Camden, and Wollondilly Local Government Areas of South West Sydney.

Sophie Blair

Local Landcare Coordinator - Young Adult

Focus: Engaging 18 to 35 year olds in Landcare and environmental activities.

Sabina Roe

Local Landcare Coordinator - Regional Support

Focus: Providing support including coordination and reporting assistance to Greater Sydney Landcare and Landcare groups.

Mark Secombe

Local Landcare Coordinator - Streamwatch

Focus: Supporting volunteer groups participating in Greater Sydney Landcare’s Streamwatch program.

Angela Bibby

Regional Landcare Coordinator

Focus: Supporting Local Landcare Coordinators funded through Greater Sydney Landcare by the NSW Landcare Enabling Program.

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